Saturday, November 28, 2015

Gift Wrap for HEATH Ceramics

for Heath Ceramics Summer Collection 

Simple, elegant and timeless handcrafted quality - its what makes me a fan of this artisan stoneware company since my long ago days in Berkeley.  It was of no surprise to learn of their minimal waste philosophy when it came to wrapping and packaging.  They recognize, however,  the consumer desire to have something presented artistically especially when something of this quality is being given as a gift.  My challenge was to construct a gift wrapping concept utilizing materials sold in the store.

Wrapping with tea and kitchen towels, napkins, table runners and table accessories 

Love this tea towel designed together with House Industries
sold at Heath 

The Gift Wrap as an Additional Present 

Wrapping Concepts on their way to the Heath Retail Stores

San Francisco
02900 18th Street, San Francisco, CA  94110
Ferry Building
1 Ferry Building, San Francisco, CA 94111 
Los Angeles
7525 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Hope this inspires ideas to
utilize everyday materials to wrap creatively.
Thank you Heath for the opportunity to collaborate!

Gratitude and Empowering Youth

100 Japanese High School students from the disaster affected areas of Tohoku Japan came again this year to the University of CA, Berkeley for an intensive summer program on global leadership and community planning, service and engagement.  It's my now fourth year involvement as an Instructor and this year Program Manager for Y-PLAN (award winning educational strategy to engage young people and schools in city planning and policy making) Softbank Tomodachi Leadership Program. The opportunity to teach is a blessing. The ability to foster confidence in students victimized by a natural disaster to become agents of change in their community is what keeps me continually inspired by Y-PLAN, ultimately transformational for both students and teachers.


Incorporating intention and art into the program offering for students is a personal joy and mission and this year I organized a Gratitude Art Workshop where reflections of gratitude were reflected in an "of the moment" 100 Thoughts of Gratitude Installation and hand made cards for host families.